WOW! I didn't realize how long it has been since I documented my workout journey. TWO MONTHS! Luckily, it hasn't been that long since I have worked out. But, I must admit that I haven't been as consistent. Last week I started a weight loss competition with a handsome reward...$3,000.00...and I need to step up my game if I'm going to snatch that up! So I decided to hold myself extra accountable and document the journey over the next few months.
Today I started following an at home crossfit workout regiment the Lovely Sadie over at Simply Sadie Jane put together and is so graciously sharing. She is posting one week of workouts every Monday and just posted week 4 this morning. She has shown that with a lot of hard work and dedication a woman can reclaim or achieve a better body than before having children. Seriously, if you haven't read her blog go now and start!
Day 17: Today was difficult and I had to remind myself a hundred times during my workout to keep going. It's cold and dark outside and my inner voice was screaming at me to just crawl back into bed and snuggle up to my hubby. But, I resisted, made it through, and feel stronger! The empowerment that comes after overcoming a difficulty far out weighs the regret later in the day of quitting. Believe me! I know! I have stopped in the middle of a workout because the will to climb back into bed was over powering. The displeasure in myself later in the day SUCKED! But, if you keep getting better every day, no matter how little the progress it doesn't matter, you are closer and closer to you goal at the end of every day. And that my friends is winning. Here's to pushing yourself a little harder than yesterday to reach your goals.

pin was linked to picture only
Day 15&16 of 30 Day Shred and I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for my health. last week I started feeling pretty crappy. Not enough to lay me out for a week but just enough crappy to knock me off of my game. I had no energy, no appetite, hard to swallow kind of crappy. On Tuesday I started to pound water, a Vitamin C drink, my daily vitamins, and alternated between Melaleuca Oil and OnGuard oils on my feet. By late Thursday night I was starting to get chills and achey so I asked my husband to give me a Priesthood blessing and by morning was feeling really good, no aches no chills. Praise the Heavens above I never got a full blown flu and no one else in my family caught it! Now, back to today...I blasted through the workout today and was able to push harder than ever! Phew, I love my body and its ability to overcome difficulties and I am so grateful that it is healthy. I will be sure to take care of it, not perfectly but as long as I continue on an upward climb to strengthening and clean eating.

The link I pinned this from no longer exists
Day 13 of 30 Day Shred and I'm feeling great! I am able to push myself harder than day 1 which is very empowering. I am seeing awesome results in the way my clothes fit, my energy levels have skyrocketed, I am sleeping better, and I am eating a lot better because I don't want to undo what I have done. Plus I want to keep moving in a positive direction.
This morning when I stepped on the scale I was a tad nervous, being the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend and all. But, to my surprise I lost 4.3 pounds!! I did a happy dance right there! WAHOO! The work is paying off which in turn motivates me to keep going and do more! I am changing my body by changing my life and it feels AWESOME!
Day 9 in the books! When I put it in those terms I haven't been as diligent as I had planned. I took 4 or 5 days off unexpectedly and then tried Jillian Micheals yoga meltdown. Which I am going to add into the rotation twice a week. Next week I'm going to not substitute it for 30 day shred(if you want to try it out before purchasing go here),but instead add it to the shred. That is going to be a killer day but I'm strong enough to handle both...I hope...NO..I AM! Tomorrow is double digits day and I'll do it and kick its butt! Now I am going to do Day 2 of the plank challenge and off to the rest of my day!

So I ended up taking a few days off from working out. I was physically exhausted and needed a few more recovery days. Me of old would be discouraged, beating myself up and starting over today. But, that is not me anymore. So I needed to take a few days off to recover. Big deal! I recovered and am back at it today. I did start the plank challenge over though because really I only did day 1 and since there was a 5 day break I figured I would start new. Contradictory to my previous statement...absolutely. But, I don't look at it as apples to apples but more apples to oranges. Plus, my attitude is still positive in beginning this again. I just didn't get out of the gates like I wanted to. It's all about the situation, the attitude I have and the adjustment.I decided to mix things up a bit and go with the Jillian Micheals yoga (try it here). I am so glad I did! It felt so good to focus on breathing and strengthening my core and I feel so much more centered afterwards. Not to mention it was a FABULOUS workout. If you want to try it out go here. I found it pinned on Pinterest linked to Youtube. I'll leave yo with one last thought. I love this quote because it is something I consciously work on everyday! The source is listed on the picture.

Today was a great workout! I didn't realize how sore I was until I got past the warm up. Then boy was I feeling it! It hurt so good baby! I am loving the way I feel as I continue working out and being more aware of what I put in my body. Today I am going to focus on increasing my water intake. I have slacked off a little on the amount I drink each day and notice a huge difference on how I feel and the way my skin looks. This healthy thing is a juggling act I haven't quite figured out how to keep going at this point.Today I am going to start this "30 Day Plank Challenge" I found on Pinterest. I am going to have to do some digging on the source, The pin I found was just to the picture. So, if you know the origin just let me know and I will put credit where credit is due. ***I am relatively new to this blogging thing and don't know all the in's and out's of edicit. My intention is not to "steal" anyone's work, but instead to compile in one place things that inspire me and push me to do/be better. So, if you see a mis- step feel free to let me know, but be kind. no need for rude-ness. ***
Anyway, Here's to another day of successes!

source unknown
(found on Pinterest)
Have you every had one of those moments where you just didn't want to do something you promised yourself you would? Man, I sure hope I'm not the only one!! Don't get me wrong, I had a good workout, ate pretty good (until Cafe Rio seduced me with a Sweet Pork Salad). Yup! I admit, I can't turn one of those down yet. But, it's a salad, right!?! haha, yup, that's what I'm going with, it's a salad! Ok, back on topic, I just didn't want to sit down and write, or type in this case, about the day. That darn inner voice tried persuading me to just sit and relax in the quiet, with no children's noises. But, I stopped, took a deep breath and said no I made a commitment to write every day and I am going to stick with it! Curse you lazy voice!
I will stick with it!
I will overcome!
I will win!
I am strong!
I will look back a year from now and be happy I made the choice to to just do it!

Today was a crazy day. Which I'm not sure why it stands out as crazy, I have 4 young children so what day isn't, right? One of the the out of the ordinary things that happened was our computer had to go in for maintenance so I couldn't do my normal workout. See our computer is hooked up through our t.v. and is the brains to all things media, including my 30 day shred workout. So keeping with my workout 5 days a week and not wanting to workout on Saturday I did a quick 20 jumping jacks, 20 push ups, 20 wide leg squats, 20 fast squats and 20 crunches. Just the little workout I needed before shower and bed.
I have come to the sad realization that I have found excuses the last few weeks as to why I can't/shouldn't/don't work out. But, I do know that nothing comes for free. I have to work, make time and have "NO EXCUSES". Which was my motto for the year and I haven't quite lived up to it as well as I would have liked. If I were to base my execution on my goals for the year I would say about 50%. When I'm on and focusing on them I give it my all. However, there were times this year that I didn't focus on them at all and gave way to some of my demons. But, I am human and make mistakes and I'm realigning those goals and attitude. I'm a work in progress I tell ya!I didn't write about day 4 or 5 and today I finished day 6 of 30 day shred. Today I felt so much stronger than I did on day 1. I was able to push a little harder and finish all of the exercises, with only one break of 5 seconds on the push ups(which I still do on my knees) !!!

source unknown
(found on Pinterest with no link)
Day three of 30 Day Shred is in the books! Man does it feel good! I am already getting through the workout much better than I did on day 1. In fact I couldn't even finish Day 1, pathetic? Maybe, but it was what it was and I am already stronger than I was three days ago! I have really made a conscience effort to treat my body better. Like I said yesterday, it isn't always easy, the first few days are always the most difficult. So I am focusing on my mind believing that I can be healthy, I can have a good workout and I will reach my goals. I am part of a group of ladies that are working to reach fitness goals and yesterday one of them posted her mirror in her bedroom and it is covered with positive sayings, her goals and pictures. It is the last thing she sees every night and the first thing in the morning. I am adding to my goals this week getting something similar put together. I'll post pic's when it's done.
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